
Exploring Podcast Tech and Equipment

From microphones and studios to platforms and recording services, there’s a lot to consider with podcast tech and equipment.

If you’re a content marketer launching a B2B podcast, you likely understand the type of content that will resonate with your audience. What may be a little confusing is the technical aspect of getting a podcast up and running. The good news: It’s not as complicated as you might think. Here are some things to think about.

Studio Setup : If possible, set aside a small space to produce podcasts when guests visit your office. The studio should be away from high-traffic areas like break rooms, elevators, etc. An unused office, for example, could be a good spot. Have 3-4 microphones in stands, a mixing device that the mics plug into, headphones for guests and a laptop to record the conversation.  

If possible, attach foam acoustic paneling to the walls to deaden the sound and create richer audio. If you feel like going the extra yard, have some company branding on the wall. And consider a video camera in the corner on a tripod. Posting video of these sessions adds another dimension to your content program, and it can boost your SEO efforts.

Microphones: Thanks to the popularity of podcasting, there are more microphone options than ever that won’t break the bank. That said, don’t base your decision solely on price — you want your subject matter experts to sound good, right? Here’s a good rundown of podcast microphone options. Additionally, you’ll want to research mixers for inputting more than one microphone at a time. 

 Editing Software: No matter how unscripted or in the moment a podcast is, editing is a necessity. The process can be long and painstaking, depending on how “perfect” you want it to sound, so you’ll want to choose an editing software that makes it easier. 

Audacity is a popular choice, as it’s fairly intuitive and easy to learn. Another benefit: It’s open source, which means it’s free to download. Adobe Audition is considered the professional standard for audio editing, as it has very advanced functionality and with its subscription come exceptional support options. For those running on Mac, Garage Band may also be a good option. 

Phone Recording Software 

Most guests won’t be able to record in your studio, so it’s necessary to have equipment that can host a phone recording. Skype and Zoom are great tools if both you and your guest have these programs. If not, Zencastr, Ringr and ClearCast are popular Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) programs for recording high-quality programs. 

Quick tip: When recording a phone interview, ensure your guest isn’t joining you via speaker phone. A handheld or, even better, a headset will provide a much better quality of audio. The same goes for cell phones, which have limited sound quality.

More than anything, you’ll need to put in some quality research time to determine what equipment makes the most sense for your podcast and, obviously, your budget. Luckily, there are more podcasting equipment options than ever. 

Coming up, we’ll explore methods for broadening your audience. If you’re thinking about launching a B2B podcast, let us help. Reach out at

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